Post by
Nasir Uddin
August 6, 2023
Last Updated
July 1, 2024

Imagine you have a brilliant idea for a new company, and you're eager to bring it to life. To transform your vision into a successful reality, you need to offer something irresistible. That's where the roles of product managers and product designers come into play, especially in the digital realm. They are both crucial in the process of executing your idea and achieving success with your products.

But how do you determine when to hire them and for what purpose? Are their responsibilities and skill sets interchangeable, or do they bring unique contributions to the table? In this blog, we will delve into the distinct roles that product managers and product designers play within an organization and explore how their collaboration can drive business success!

product designer vs product manager

What is Product Management? 

Product management is an essential organizational function that involves a variety of strategic activities. It acts as a link between clients and the creation of successful products. Product managers drive the design, development, and execution of creative products that meet consumer needs by intimately understanding those needs. This multidimensional position combines technical knowledge, market insights, and strategic vision to build products that fascinate and please customers.

What Do Product Managers Do? 

Product managers play a crucial role in overseeing the entire product lifecycle, ensuring that the end product meets business objectives. In small organizations, product managers often take on multiple responsibilities across different stages of product development. They act as problem solvers, strategists, and visionaries, making informed decisions to deliver exceptional products.

In large organizations, product managers collaborate closely with specialized teams to refine and enhance the product. They excel at coordinating cross-functional teams and making difficult decisions to ensure project success.

key responsibilities of a product manager-

  • Recognizing and expressing user requirements.
  • Market research and creating competitive analyses.
  • Creating a product’s vision.
  • Bringing together to support the product’s vision.
  • Putting emphasis on a product’s capabilities and features.

What Does A Product Designer Do?

Product designers are key players in the product development process, focusing on user research and developing engaging and usable designs. They work with UX researchers to discover potential customer's pain points and motives, as well as how they engage with the product.

Product designers examine the collected data and generate user profiles. They want to know if a possible product or a new version of an existing product has the potential to be interesting and useful.

Product designers contribute to the design process by generating wireframes, prototypes, and graphic designs in addition to conducting research. They work with cross-functional teams that include developers and stakeholders to ensure that the design concept is transformed into a functioning and user-friendly product.

General Responsibilities of A Product Designer Include:

  • Research the scope of products
  • Create innovative designs
  • Build wireframes, mock-ups
  • Produce prototypes and test functionality.
  • Improve the design of existing products
  • Gather feedback from product users

Differences in Responsibilities At Each Stage of The Product Development Process

Research and Discovery

Product Designers- Dive deep into user research to understand user behavior, preferences, and pain points, focusing on the design aspects and user experience.

Product Managers- Conduct market research to identify customer needs, market trends, and competitive analysis, aiming to align the product with business goals and market demands.

Planning and Strategy

Product Designers- Translate user insights into design concepts, wireframes, and prototypes, focusing on the visual and interactive aspects of the product.

Product Manager- Define the product vision, develop product roadmaps, set strategic priorities, and make decisions based on market opportunities, business objectives, and customer needs.

Execution and Development

Product Designers- Collaborate with developers to implement design elements, create user interfaces, and ensure the product meets usability and aesthetic standards.

Product Managers- Coordinate and oversee the development process, manage resources, and ensure the product is delivered on time and within budget while also addressing business requirements and objectives.

Testing and Iteration

Product Designers- Conduct usability testing, analyze user feedback, and iterate on designs to improve the user experience and align with user expectations.

Product Managers- Utilize customer feedback and data analytics to evaluate product performance, prioritize features, and make data-driven decisions to drive product enhancements and iterations.

Stakeholder Communication

Product Designers- Collaborate closely with UX researchers, developers, and stakeholders to ensure design feasibility, align design decisions, and communicate design rationale.

Product Managers- Act as a bridge between cross-functional teams, stakeholders, and executives, facilitating communication, managing expectations, and ensuring alignment with business goals.

stakeholder communication

Monitoring and Analysis

Product Designers-  Monitor user feedback, conduct usability testing, and analyze data to identify areas for improvement in the product's design, user experience, and visual aesthetics.

Product Managers- Continuously track key performance indicators (KPIs), gather user feedback, and analyze market trends to assess the product's performance, identify opportunities for growth, and make data-driven decisions.

Iteration and Enhancements

Product Designers- Iterate on the product's design based on user feedback, addressing usability issues, refining visual elements, and optimizing the user experience.

Product Managers- Prioritize feature enhancements and product updates based on user needs, business objectives, and market trends, driving the evolution of the product to meet changing customer demands.

Cross-Functional Collaboration

Product Designers- Collaborate with developers, UX researchers, and other stakeholders to implement design changes, ensure consistency across platforms, and maintain the overall design integrity of the product.

Product Managers- Facilitate communication and coordination between different teams, such as engineering, marketing, and customer support, to align efforts, gather insights, and address post-launch challenges.

Product Strategy

Product Designers- Contribute to the product strategy by providing insights on user experience, design trends, and competitor analysis to support decision-making and future product enhancements.

Product Managers- Continuously refine and adapt the product strategy based on market dynamics, customer feedback, and business goals, ensuring the product remains competitive and aligned with the overall business strategy.

User Engagement and Retention

Product Designers- Collaborate with the marketing team to create visually compelling and engaging product experiences that attract and retain users.

Product Managers- Develop strategies to improve user engagement, retention, and satisfaction, leveraging data-driven insights and user feedback to drive product improvements and foster long-term customer loyalty.

In the end, product designers and managers work toward the same goal. They play equally important roles, bringing their unique perspectives and expertise to the table, ultimately creating a successful product! 

At Musemind, we value the power of collaboration between our talented product designers and managers. By fostering open communication, embracing creativity, and keeping the user at the forefront of our design process, we maximize the potential for exceptional outcomes that truly resonate with our audience.  Together, we strive to create products that not only meet business objectives but also exceed user expectations.


Both product managers and product designers have roles that overlap, some of which include conducting user research to determine the requirements of the target audience and documenting user scenarios and use cases. 

In a nutshell, product designers and product managers are both involved in the various stages of the product development process at all times. However, while the product manager is in charge of directing the focus of the team, it is the product designer's responsibility to ensure that the product being built is of high quality and maintains its integrity. Both roles share a common goal, which is to gain an understanding of user issues through the work that they do.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is a product manager the same as a product designer?

No, a product manager and a product designer are not the same. They are distinct roles with different responsibilities. A product manager focuses on strategic planning, market research, and business goals, while a product designer primarily works on the visual and interactive aspects of the product, including user interface and user experience design.

Do product designers get paid more than product managers?

Compensation varies depending on factors such as experience, location, and company size. In general, product managers tend to have higher average salaries compared to product designers, given their strategic and business-oriented roles. However, compensation can differ based on various factors and should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Can a product designer become a product manager?

Yes, it is possible for a product designer to transition into a product manager role. While the skill sets of product designers and product managers may overlap in some areas, additional skills such as strategic planning, market research, and business acumen may be needed for a successful transition.

Who is higher than a product manager?

In a typical product development hierarchy, a product manager is not considered higher or lower than other roles but rather works in collaboration with various stakeholders. However, depending on the organizational structure, a product manager may report to a director of product, chief product officer (CPO), or other senior leadership roles.

Can a product designer make six figures?

Yes, it is possible for a product designer to earn a six-figure salary, depending on factors such as experience, expertise, location, and demand for their skills. Senior or specialized product designers in high-demand markets may command higher salaries.

Is product design a high-paying profession?

Product design can be a lucrative profession, with salaries varying depending on factors such as experience, location, and demand for skills. Senior or specialized product designers, particularly in industries such as technology or finance, may command higher salaries compared to entry-level roles.

What comes after product designer?

Career progression after being a product designer may vary depending on individual goals and opportunities. Some potential career paths include senior product designer, lead product designer, design manager, or transitioning into roles such as UX strategist, product strategist, or user research roles, among others.

What does a product designer do daily?

A product designer's daily tasks may include collaborating with cross-functional teams, conducting user research, creating wireframes and prototypes, designing visual and interactive elements of products, reviewing and iterating on designs, conducting usability testing, and communicating with stakeholders to gather feedback and ensure design alignment with project goals.

Table of Contents
Nasir Uddin
CEO at Musemind
Nasir Uddin, Co-Founder and CEO at Musemind, brings over a decade of experience in dynamic UX design. With a background at prestigious companies like Panther, On Deck, Microsoft, and Motley Fool. His leadership has transformed Musemind into a trusted destination for comprehensive product design solutions.
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