Post by
Nasir Uddin
October 14, 2024
Last Updated
October 21, 2024
Design System

Through our years of working on web design, we have discovered several tips and tricks. One of the more prominent ones is your web design.

A website is our only opportunity to make the best first impression possible for potential future clients. A well designed landing page can leave an unforgettable impact that keeps people returning. 

We have found that our priority should be to keep the design visually appealing yet not cluttered. This keeps the website user friendly and in line with our brand identity and image. 

So, here are inspirations below that could help you spark that light bulb of creativity!

10 Best Websites for Web Design Inspiration in 2024 

Adobe’s research shows that 59% of 12000 surveyees prefer a website that has a beautiful interface over a simple one. So, with that in mind, let’s get on with a list of some top websites that excel in designs.

1. Dopple Press

Like the breath of fresh air that is Dopple Press’ landing page, we start with theirs. 

We believe it is one of the more unique web design examples on this list. When you visit their site it’s like taking a walk in the park; easy, breezy, not that crazy.

The most appealing thing about their site is their simple visual work. It’s easy to read and navigate, even through the bright hues. 

They used a palette with a bright color scheme for a playful aesthetic; this is  something that perfectly matches the theme for a brand of risograph printing, something known for its tones.

What makes it stand out:

  • Vibrant colors
  • Playful animations

2. Awwwards

Awwwards is a website that promotes and showcases websites for other web designs, we think their style helps highlight the true stars of the show. 

With a more minimalistic and almost monochromatic color scheme, it’s careful not to overpower the websites exhibited on their own. 

Their web design may feel a little chaotic at first glance, but after scrolling through for only a few seconds, you can quickly grasp their goal.

Awwwards focuses on promoting other websites that have unique web designs. Their own design remains as a simple backdrop, encouraging creators and designers to submit their own portfolio into the site’s database.

What makes it stand out:

  • Minimalist and monochromatic design
  • Simple and straightforward navigation

3. Supima

Supima, though similar to Awwwards for their minimalistic design, goes for the more traditional tone for a website. 

With an introductory video to welcome you to the page, they get straight to the point with a short paragraph of their brand.

This website also makes use of spacing on their landing page to pull focus on their products, portfolio, and references. Using the color palettes of cotton plants, they stick close to their brand with a soothing tone. 

This manages to ensure the feeling of reliability and trust within website visitors regarding the brand itself.

What makes it stand out:

  • Traditional design
  • Video introduction

4. Cure

Cure Nails, as their name suggests, is a nail boutique. Therefore, it is not surprising that their website landing page has a modern and trendy design.

The color scheme reminded us of an aesthetic Instagram feed, going for  a monotone palette with a pop of color that accentuates their services. They use very few text and opt for a more visual approach with more photos than descriptions.

With their carefully chosen branding, Cure Nails’ website gives the feel of a lifestyle brand while offering services for mainly just nails! 

What makes it stand out:

  • Modern and trendy
  • More pictures, less text!

5. Myth

Myth is yet another website that goes for a minimalist web design, but going for the black on black aesthetic. We found this one true to its branding, the images aligning with the gaming aesthetic of its brand.

Like most of the web designs we come across on this list, the landing page uses negative space to pull focus to its title. Smooth animations throughout the site also helps make the whole website feel chic and classy.

Black on black while its style may be, as we scroll down the texts are not difficult to read. Using different shades of gray and white, their information is precise and makes its point clearly.

What makes it stand out:

  • Chic and classy
  • Black on black aesthetic

6. Superlist

Superlist has a website that is probably one of our favorites from this list of web designs. The landing page starts out simple enough and the scrolling down simply shows their app’s mockups.

However, as you scroll down further, you come across a navigation animation that looks like you are flipping through flashcards. True to its branding for making life simple for you, the “flashcards” contain limited, large texts making the information easy to absorb. 

Scrolling even further takes you to a classic explainer video on how useful their app can be. In fact, we must admit, some of us had downloaded the app on our phone right away.

What makes it stand out:

  • Unique and true to brand animations
  • Explainer video on landing page

7. Foundry

If you're looking for something straight forward, yet just as attractive, we found Foundry’s website to be a perfect example. They focus on the information of the services they provide, with visuals to match. 

They made sure to include their finest example of their tools with a professionally made explainer video next. Scrolling lower moves us onto their blog posts, customer reviews, and community page link. 

Overall, they opted to keep their design simple in order for the customers to know that they know what they’re talking about without distractions.

What makes it stand out:

  • Simple and straightforward
  • Explainer video on landing page

8. Okalpha

We were quite surprised by Okalpha’s landing page because it seemed to use contradictory aesthetics but somehow it worked! 

Their landing page starts off with bright colors and large texts, but as you scroll down it is different from what you might expect.

With only a small description of their business, the site gets straight to the point, all details hidden under specific requirements that a customer needs.

This is something that works because it shows that they are not an expert in one particular tool, but all of them. Customers may be attracted by the colors but they also don’t have to scroll too long to find what they are looking for. 

What makes it stand out:

  • Short, simple and straightforward
  • Vibrant colors

9. Behance

If your business is as established as Behance’s, we believe that Behance’s straight to point landing page is a great way to go. Their landing page is focused solely on the creators which is all their customers would want.

Personally, we felt that the no time wasted method works well when you’re promoting other creators and linking them to customers. It means that your customers spend less time clicking and scrolling through various pages and instead getting a preview almost instantly. 

There is a reason that creators and clients alike trust Behance to provide them with great service, and their website reflects so.

What makes it stand out:

  • Focuses on creators and client needs
  • No distractions and easy to navigate

10. UnD NY

If you're in the food and beverage industry, you've likely seen countless websites. But UnD NY’s is truly one-of-a-kind. It's a visual feast.

Their website is a mix of retro and modern, with a bold neon color palette. The photos are grainy but captivating, almost like looking at old snapshots. Scrolling through feels like a fun, nostalgic journey.

UnD NY effectively uses simple animations to highlight key information. It's a website that not only looks amazing but also makes you crave their food.

What makes it stand out:

  • Neon aesthetic over vintage color tones
  • Retro themed, using aesthetically pleasing photos

What Makes an Effective Website Design?

A successful website is more than just a digital brochure; it's a user's first impression of your business. To create a truly effective online presence, consider these key elements:

  • Responsive Design: Your website should look great and function smoothly on all devices, from smartphones to desktops.
  • Clarity and Conciseness: Keep your content clear, concise, and easy to understand. Use visuals like large text, engaging graphics, and smooth animations to enhance readability.
  • Effortless Navigation: Guide visitors through your website seamlessly. Make it easy to find products, services, and information.

How Do You Design Cool Websites?

There are several ways you can make a website for your business for free, but designing one is a whole other ordeal. We know a few ways to make this step easier though, so let’s get right into it!

Hire a Designer

If you have the money, you can hire someone to build your website. Freelance like Upwork and Fiverr have talented people who can do this. 

It's important to communicate well with them. They can help you choose colors and a style that will make a good first impression for your website.

Use Free or Paid Templates

Businesses such as WordPress and HubSpot have helped many individuals create gorgeous sites for free. The templates are easy to navigate through and some can even be customized particularly to your needs. 

Take a Course

You know what they say; sometimes the best way to get things done is to do it yourself. Take a free or paid course online or offline and take the long route. 

It takes time, money, and effort. 

But it's worth it to be able to change your website whenever you want without relying on others.

Tips for a Modern Web Design

Over the years, preferred aesthetics have changed and circled back several times. This applies to web designs too. So, here are a few tips that can help you keep your style up to date!

  1. Keep up with the trends, but make sure your website stands out. This can be with a splash of color amidst a minimal design or a unique color palette
  2. Make sure your website is mobile friendly since most initial visitors use their phones. Keeping your website accessible and glitch free makes the experience of scrolling smooth and hassle free.
  3. Link your socials and keep the icons visible. Many users prefer to check out a brand’s social media pages and its followers. So keeping it easily accessible is key.
  4. Include a chatbot extension or plug-in that allows users to talk to a real person in real time. This adds to your brand’s quality of customer service and visitors stay on your page longer.
  5. Keep your pages clutter free. Like we mentioned in the intro, it’s important to not overwhelm users and make sure internal pages are easy to find.
  6. Use large fonts but keep the writing short. Information provided precisely and in order of importance can help your audience appreciate your not wasting their time.
  7. Make use of negative space to draw attention to the areas you want your visitors to focus on. This can help highlight any service or products that you want to particularly promote.
  8. Illustrations and animations can be a fun way to keep your visitors entertained and transfixed on your page. Custom designs and characters help your brand become unforgettable after only a single visit!


So that’s all for some great sites that carefully curated their websites to match the exact tones they need. We hope to have helped you understand how important roles the smallest decisions in a design can take when creating a website.

In fact, we are sure you are on your way to join these sites on the list for inspiration soon too!

Lastly, if you want to focus on your business while not worrying about the web design, rest assured with Musemind. We can bring your ideas into reality without leaving any burdens!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the golden rules of web designing?

There are several rules that you should follow when designing a website, as we are sure you will learn soon, but the three foremost ones are as follows.

      Remember your branding:Your website should match the look and feel of your business. This includes colors, images, and overall style.
      Less is more:Simple websites are often better. Avoid cluttering your pages with too much information or design elements.
      Make it accessible:Make sure your website looks good and works well on phones, tablets, and computers.

Can I design my own website?

Yes! There are many websites such as Wix, Canva, GoDaddy, WordPress, and Squarespace that allow you to create and design your own websites.

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Nasir Uddin
CEO at Musemind
Nasir Uddin, Co-Founder and CEO at Musemind, brings over a decade of experience in dynamic UX design. With a background at prestigious companies like Panther, On Deck, Microsoft, and Motley Fool. His leadership has transformed Musemind into a trusted destination for comprehensive product design solutions.
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